The mountain kingdom, Lesotho

So I haven’t travelled in a while but only because I’m saving my Asambe points for my birthday in Summer. It’s an ordinary Sunday we at the local carwash with friends and then there is something mentioned about going to Lesotho the following the weekend. Ok sounds interesting but not really discussed in full details. The following day I get a call with full details regarding the trip and I’m interested.
We supposed to depart Saturday as we are going there for a funeral so now with me the problem is the past few weeks I’ve been home instead of at the flat. So with my mom I’d have to explain why I am being picked up in a Viano and all other unnecessary questions. I then left home the Friday to sleep at Windmill as per arrangement. The Friday night was filled with champagne and seafood, always refreshing to spend time by myself. Saturday morning I was the second to be picked up amongst the ladies. We are finally on the N8 the ladies and I cannot stop talking, next thing we in Lesotho. While at the boarder we busy with selfies. We finally arrive at the funeral the mood is sombre and we sitting in the car throughout the service but get out to go greet everyone as lunch is being served. We didn’t stay long after the lunch and we headed straight to Lesotho Sun also known as Avani Hotel. Situated on a mountainous area the drive to the place was so interesting and the actual views. We got there and we felt at home that hotel lobby was literally owned by us, I mean there were like 10 of us. We later went to our rooms to freshen up to go paint the town red. While in the lobby one of the guys decides to go to the hotel casino as we about leave I decide to go look for him and guess what, he used the other exit and I got left behind alone at the hotel. I remember sitting alone in the lobby with no idea what to do as my phone isn’t roaming. As I was going upstairs the receptionist tells me they sent a cab for me much to my relief. The night was such a blur from all the champagne but I know we definitely had fun.
Sunday morning, time to check out and go home, we not as loud as yesterday and we definitely don’t look our best. We go have breakfast at a local chicken place and then we hit the road back to Bloemfontein. We had the best time but now we quiet and everyone just wants to sleep. This trip made me new friends, we clicked as soon as we all got into that car. Sometimes just pack that bag and go on that last minute trip you might make new friends or even meet the love of your. Life has no formula of how it should be lived to be successful, Asambe.

By | 2018-06-18T07:28:51+00:00 September 7th, 2017|Categories: Blog|

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